Monday, January 2, 2012

My Life List... a Work In Progress

So here is my list:
Note: I want to get to 100, but so far this is what I have come up with.

The list is in no particular order
  1. Create a blog of 'My Life List' and regularly update it (and hopefully more than little old me reads it) DONE... I just now need to make it look much better than it does currently
  2. Explore more Greek Islands. Go back to Santorini and see the sun set again. Go back to Naxos and have lunch and dinner at Kontos, Mikri Vigla (many times) Explained
  3. Live in Italy for 6 months (preferably near Tuscany/Siena)
  4. Visit Positano/Amalfi Coast DONE 2017
  5. Go on a safari in Africa
  6. Take my husband to Bangkok and show him why I love it
  7. Go see the Formula1 in Melbourne DONE
  8. Go see the Formula1 in Monte Carlo
  9. Visit the Taj Mahal
  10. Go see Japan in Cherry Blossoms season
  11. Renovate a terrace in the inner west of Sydney Explained
  12. Create a blog about said renovations
  13. Have my current home/renovated home appear on Apartment Therapy/deecor8/or similar
  14. Publish my city travel guides for my friends (so far I have New York, Bali, Bangkok)
  15. Help my husband write and publish ‘Sir Drinks-a-lot’ children’s book (hopefully it's as big as Harry Potter!)
  16. Learn how to take great photographs
  17. Escape to the country (when I am over living in the city)
  18. Set up a greenhouse in the back yard to grow phalaenopsis orchids Explained
  19. Grow a veggie patch/orchard in back yard A start
  20. Live in a house with a conservatory
  21. Retire and open up a Bed and Breakfast (preferably in the country)
  22. Go on a global U2 pilgrimage for their next/any tour Explained Started/Continued
  23. Have Bono take me up on stage (might as well dream BIG) Explained
  24. Get U2 to play Love is Blindness at a concert we are at Explained
  25. Put together my family tree (the Italian side)
  26. Get to my ideal weight and stay there (10kg less than what I am currently)
  27. Be completely debt-free (mortgage included)
  28. Celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary
  29. Have a wall to ceiling  library in my house with a rolling ladder
  30. Choose a good cookbook and cook every recipe in it
  31. Learn how to bake cakes (and not blame the oven) Explained Started
  32. Renew our wedding vows in Las Vegas (Elvis style) Explained DONE
  33. Buy a real Eames/Hand Wegner piece of furniture Explained Sorta DONE
  34. Visit/snorkel over the Great Barrier Reef/Helicopter over the love heart island
  35. Climb the Great Wall of China
  36. Take a road trip through the South of France
  37. Take a road trip through California and visit the Joshua Tree National Park, Palm Springs, San Francisco just to name a few DONE... but we are so going back
  38. Do a floristry course and add more flowers to my life Explained
  39. Watch the 100 Movies to See Before You Die
  40. Read Top 100 Books Of All Time
  41. See a real Banksy on the street Explained
  42. Go to the Carnival in Brazil
  43. Live and work overseas for a year (plan for 2012 is New York) Currently doing in Wellington, New Zealand and been here for over 3 years
  44. Decide whether or not we want to start a family
  45. Show people the amazing things about Sydney, Australia Ongoing
    Show people the amazing things about Wellington, New Zealand 2013/2014/2015/2016
  46. Pay off my credit cards in full and manage my funds a lot better than I have in the past DONE
  47. Go to Egypt and see the pyramids
  48. Write a letter to Mrs. Kahler (my school careers advisor) DONE
  49. Go to Disneyland 
  50. Sing Karaoke in front of a crowd
  51. Eat much better (ie. less sugar, carbs and chicken and more fish and red meat)
  52. Wear Lipstick over consecutive days (preferably a shade of red)
  53. Master my mother's eggplant Parmigiana
  54. Master all my mum's Italian recipes Ongoing
  55. Try absinthe DONE
  56. Buy a real Norman Lindsay artwork
  57. Make up for a regret and buy that Marc Chagall print Explained DONE
  58. Perfect my spoken Italian
  59. Experience a white Christmas
  60. Try not to judge people too early
  61. Be more tidy and organized (may have slight hoarder tendencies)
  62. Visit all the wine regions of Australia (the Hunter Valley has been done to death)
  63. Live more sustainably (stop throwing food out)
  64. Learn to stress less over unnecessary things (and consequently save on massage/physiotherapy bills)
  65. Become more organized and stop focusing on doing the fun things first
  66. See the emperor penguins in Antarctica
  67. Get a tattoo Explained
  68. Become someone that regularly exercises Started - seeing a PT twice a week
  69. Find the perfect 'little black dress' Explained
  70. Skinny Dip
  71. Go back to Central Park in NYC and see the Alice in Wonderland statue DONE
  72. Eat a pizza in Naples
  73. Buy an antique worthy of the 'Antiques Roadshow'
  74. Go to the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles Explained  DONE
  75. Go back to Paris
  76. Go back to the Getty museum in Los Angeles Explained  DONE
  77. Learn how to put a full face of make up on
  78. Live in a house with Gargoyles
  79. Find the perfect Fajitas
  80. Visit Morocco
  81. Search for the perfect Margarita Adventure commenced
  82. Donate blood regularly Started
  83. Read all the books on my bookshelf Started
  84. See Bill Cunningham at work/on his bike in NYC Alas I have to remove this from the list as Bill passed away in June 2016
  85. Finish the cross stitch project (that I have been working on for the last 15 years) Explained
  86. Be able to afford a pair of authentic designer shoes and/or hand bag
  87. Own an original Fabergé egg
  88. Stay a night at the Oriental Hotel in Bangkok
  89. Visit the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia
  90. Live in a house with a Jacaranda tree
  91. Take a tour of the Eames House
  92. Hear Bono sing live the 'Shine like Stars' coda in With or Without You
  93. Go to Palm Springs and attend Modernism Week

  96. Accept myself for who I am


  1. Wow! now I understand why we get along so well. There are a number of things on that list that I have done and want to do! Marie

  2. Love this list! I totally should do this too. There are so many things on that list that I want to do too. So many I really should do. I love reading all the updates on your adventures :-)

    Matt x

    1. You should SO put your own list together.
      Writing the list and blog has been so liberating and so much fun...

  3. Awesome list - looking forward to seeing the items struck off as they are achieved for you!

  4. Love the list. I want to start one, keep up the adventures

    1. Thanks!
      It really has been an adventure.
      Let me know when you come up with your list

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