Saturday, January 21, 2012

#7. Go see the Formula1 in Melbourne

I am not very interested in sport.
But for some strange reason I LOVE watching the FormulaOne (it must be part of my Italian DNA?)

My 3 loves, Kane, Ziggy and the F1 [image by Zahara Dessert]
It all started back in my University days where I somehow developed the habit of watching the races very late on a Sunday night. Overtime this became a ritual.

However when I started work and I had to face reality of an early Monday morning start, this habit soon stopped.

A few years ago, the TV station that holds the rights to the F1 in Australia went digital and dedicated a channel to sport. To my delight, they started showing the F1 live. This meant that most of the races were being shown at a more civil time of 10pm. So I started watching the F1 again...religiously. I even managed to get my husband to tolerate watching the races with me.

For many years now I have been pestering my husband to take me to see a race live. The dream destination is seeing the Monaco F1 race (LL #8). But given we do not have another European vacation planned in the foreseeable future and most of our savings went on our recent LA/New York trip, our local F1 race in Melbourne will have to suffice.

Given this blog is about ticking things off the Life List, I have bitten the bullet and tackled #7...

I have:
purchased our flights to Melbourne
booked our accommodation
AND bought our tickets to the Australian Grand Prix for the 18th of March!

I can not wait! Am so excited!
57 more sleeps!

Oh and 'Go Mark!'


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